Posts tagged with: growth

At 37, I know…

Today is my birthday. I should write something because, when it comes to content creation, this is about as consistent as I have been over the last few years. As I close out one year and move into the next I pull on the same introspective threads as I do every year… This year, however,......

Starting to Stop; Why Sometimes Quitting is Best

I have a lot of ideas and they are not all great. Some of them are personal, some business related and others more theoretical in nature. That is great, right. Lots of ideas! Well when you have lots of ideas that means there are lots of roads in your mind, all of which are appealing for......

Rediscover What You Already Know

You probably already knows what works for you. For some reason or another you just stopped doing it or forgot about it. Rediscover it, today. 


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