All posts by: natevalentin

Day 12: The Right Thing

The right thing to do is often obvious. It’s not the choice that’s difficult so much as dealing with what the choice means.We have to have a hard conversation. We have to break someone’s heart. We have to do something hard. We have to break out of the prison of how other people think we......

Day 11: I Smell Smoke

If you have ever used a charcoal grill you know exactly what I am referring to… I grilled out tonight, first time in too long. I can still smell the smoke. My eyes are so dry that I do not want to sit at my desk and stare at this bright screen and write this......

Day 10: The Pause and a Yellow Hoodie

Every time I pick up my camera I feel like an imposter. Every single time. Like, if I could just record this wrestling match without anyone noticing me or my camera or the mic attached to it. If somehow everyone could read my mind and know where I want them to stand for the various......

Day 9: A New Stool and Taking Risks

There is one thing that you will need to do that you don’t normally. Take risks. My former boss This was a highlight from a conversation I had earlier today with my former boss. I worked for him for 5 years building web applications and running product development. I was a VP for 4 years......

Day 8: Be Who You Are

Sounds simple. It is not. For years I have been trying to figure out what I want to do. I use the phrase ‘what I want to be when I grow up…’ I have been in the data and technology realm since my career started. First as a hydrologist building models and reviewing permits, then......

Day 7: Hurricane Eta

There is a hurricane coming. It is supposed to hit Tampa Bay; I think. I worked from home today and made sure the generator was working and also got gas. All the proper things. There is a certain joy, I think, that comes from protecting your family. Not that I can protect them from a......

Day 6: Lunch w a Friend

I am sitting in the Jeep, listening to Audioslave radio on Pandora and waiting to meet a buddy for lunch. I am here a bit early and that is just enough time to at least start this post. Yes, I’m doing this from my phone so who knows how this will turn out. I got......

Day 5: Monday. Rain. Bad ideas.

Generate a lot of bad ideas. Also, it is raining. It is fun to drive the Jeep in the rain. I finished up that podcast I started the other day w/ Seth and Tim and that was one of Seth’s points when asked how to foster creativity. Do you want to hear a personal example......

Day 4: Show Me Your Bad Writing

Where is it?! Where is YOUR bad writing? This is my bad writing. Maybe on any given day, any given post, you don’t think it is bad or maybe I don’t. But how good it is, doesn’t matter. The words matter. The fact that these words found a post and that post found a way......

Day 3: 11-07-20

At Einstein’s eating breakfast. I just dropped Aiden off at Brandon High School; he has a preseason wrestling tournament there today. He is excited and probably a little anxious. I am excited and… nervous. He has not been wrestling that long. Last year was his first season. He has been working really hard over the......

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