Posts tagged with: life

Decide and Proceed

The hard thing about planning, researching, or editing is that these are safe reasons to delay....

We Who Are Your Closest Friends

I have managed my own website for almost 20 years now. And during that time it has been many things. Mostly it has served as a sandbox. This is where I got my start. This is where I experiment. This is where the familiar tension between creative expression and withdrawal is evident just by reviewing......

Half-naked and Alone

What is it inside of us that will allow us to put ourselves in an un-winnable situation? Or better put, what was it inside of him? What is it in children and even less often in young adults that allows for this?...

Day 13: Africa and a McFlurry

Today after school, Beckett and I got a McFlurry and then FaceTimed my Mom. It was nice. I watch YouTube while I am on the elliptical. It feels like a fair trade and I don’t beat myself up about consuming that content if it is in service of working out. Today, there was a video......

Day 12: The Right Thing

The right thing to do is often obvious. It’s not the choice that’s difficult so much as dealing with what the choice means.We have to have a hard conversation. We have to break someone’s heart. We have to do something hard. We have to break out of the prison of how other people think we......

Day 10: The Pause and a Yellow Hoodie

Every time I pick up my camera I feel like an imposter. Every single time. Like, if I could just record this wrestling match without anyone noticing me or my camera or the mic attached to it. If somehow everyone could read my mind and know where I want them to stand for the various......

Day 9: A New Stool and Taking Risks

There is one thing that you will need to do that you don’t normally. Take risks. My former boss This was a highlight from a conversation I had earlier today with my former boss. I worked for him for 5 years building web applications and running product development. I was a VP for 4 years......

Day 8: Be Who You Are

Sounds simple. It is not. For years I have been trying to figure out what I want to do. I use the phrase ‘what I want to be when I grow up…’ I have been in the data and technology realm since my career started. First as a hydrologist building models and reviewing permits, then......

Day 7: Hurricane Eta

There is a hurricane coming. It is supposed to hit Tampa Bay; I think. I worked from home today and made sure the generator was working and also got gas. All the proper things. There is a certain joy, I think, that comes from protecting your family. Not that I can protect them from a......

Day 6: Lunch w a Friend

I am sitting in the Jeep, listening to Audioslave radio on Pandora and waiting to meet a buddy for lunch. I am here a bit early and that is just enough time to at least start this post. Yes, I’m doing this from my phone so who knows how this will turn out. I got......

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